Covid-19 caused drastic changes to daily life all over the world and had affected people at many different levels. In Uganda, people lost their jobs and are locked down while still having to pay bills and having no money for basic needs. These things hit differently in a country with no welfare system.
The strict safety measures put in place to prevent/ reduce the spread of the virus make sense, though there are serious problems/ challenges that come with them. There is a total ban on public transport. Boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) are allowed to work until 5:00 pm but not allowed to carry passengers. They can only transport goods. Private cars are not allowed to move anymore unless they get a special permission from the government.
For many people, walking long distances became the only option.
From 7 pm – 6:30 am, no movements outside of the house in anyform are allowed. The police and Local Defence Unit are always patrolling during curfew hours. Even though the president doesn’t allow or support the use of violent and excessive force, sadly some of the law enforcers on the ground still use it.
Our friends Abramz and Key from Breakdance Project Uganda (BPU) are trying to make sure kids and families of the project are provided with food and hygiene needs. According to the situation, the majority of the people are much more likely to die of hunger/ starvation than the virus itself.
The drastic change & implementation of rules, the irregular availability of food at many supply chains/ markets/ stores, lack of transportation and lack of money for mobile connection makes the whole venture very difficult to handle even though it is so much needed during these times!
Due to this very urgent situation ROCTOP and OY Surf Apparel would like to put an intensified focus on these measures for the moment with the money from the already sold tops, as well as additional financial donations from our friends and extended circle.
Still, more contributions are highly needed!
Even with a small amount you can help more families and for a longer time during this very tensed pandemic time and the lockdown.
Webale nyo! (Thank you in Luganda)