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Hygiene- & Health Education Workshop & Dance Battle 2022

Breaking barriers and showing moves, the first RocTop event within the Breakdance Project Uganda marked a return after the challenges of Covid. Abramz, Key, Nadeen, and their dedicated team put together an amazing day with workshops and Dance Battles.

The afternoon started with educational workshops on mental health, hygiene, and menstruation led by Martha Peace Bua of MindLeaps Uganda and the Walibi Pads team. Addressing the taboo around menstruation, they provided girls with essential packages, a step toward breaking the silence that often hinders their education.

In the Evening the Breaking Bonnie and Clyde and Allstyle Battles took place, showcasing not just moves but a lot of good vibes and musicality, even other communities like the "Dancelight kids Uganda" joined. The event ended in celebrating the champions of the first RocTop Battle. The day was a big success in terms of community, education and sharing the love for dance and music.

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